Yummy Pull Apart Bread Recipes

Great thing about Pinterest are new food ideas that you can try simply because they look fantastic. Pull apart breads are something I've never tried before this year when I got hooked on Pinterest. Surprisingly, it can be as simple as cutting up an already-baked bread, inserting stuffing you want, and re-baking it in an oven before serving.

Here's an example courtesy of my brother -- a cheesy bacon pull apart bread:

Cheesy Bacon #Pull_Apart_Bread. Click For Recipe


1 Loaf of Bread
6 cooked Bacon
1 cup Shredded Cheese


Sliced up the bread. Dice the bacon into small pieces. Stuff bacon in between bread cracks and sprinkle on top. Do the same with the shredded cheese. Wrap in aluminum foil and bake in oven for 15-20 minutes at 350 deg F.

Here's a quick video on how to cut up the bread. The key is not to slice all the way through, which is kinda like cutting for a Hasselback potato.

Here are a couple more finished pull apart bread made from sourdough breads:

Cheesy Mushroom Pull Apart Bread

Mushroom & Cheese #Pull_Apart_Bread.  Click For Recipe


1 package (12 oz) Sliced Mushrooms
1/2 cup Diced Green Onions
1 loaf of Sourdough Bread
12 oz Provolone Cheese
Olive oil or melted butter


Cook mushrooms in butter or olive oil for 3 minutes then set aside. Slice provolone cheese thinly. Cut up sourdough bread like in the video above. Stuff bread with mushrooms, green onions, and sliced cheese. Drizzle olive oil or butter over the bread. Wrap in aluminum foil. Baked at 350 deg F for 15 minutes.

Cheesy Onion Pull Apart Bread

Cheesy Onion #Pull_Apart_Bread. Click For Recipe

  • 1 loaf of sourdough bread, unsliced
  • 1 package (12-16 oz.) monterey jack cheese
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup green onions, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons poppy seeds

For this darling, I followed the ingredients and direction from http://www.pleasenotepaper.com/2012/01/bloomin-onion-bread.html

It's great fun and easy to make because the breads are bought from a local bakery. You can also make the bread from scratch if you have a bread maker at home.
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